Welcome Home.


Hi there! I'm Dr. Sunayna, but please just call me Sunayna. Welcome to the first ever blog post for Niverville Heritage Dental Centre! 

Now you may be thinking, "Why on Earth is this post called Welcome Home?" Most people don't exactly think of home when they think of visiting the dentist, but that's exactly how we want it to feel when you come - inviting, familiar, and comfortable.

We are the office who takes the time to chat with you because we actually want to know what's happening in your life.  We are the office that you can hear laughter coming from when you enter.  We are the office that you will want come back to! Sounds crazy, I know, but I promise, it's true.

I want this space to be a place where you learn about all things teeth that matter to you cause yes, believe it or not, we love teeth! We care about your overall oral health, because we care about you. However, there's only so much teeth related information you can take in, I get that.  So that's why this space will also be about life.  We will chat about things happening in the community, share some of our favourite recipes, showcase some of our incredible patients, and so much more.  So please, sit back, relax, and have a good read. We are so happy to have you.  Oh, and one more thing, welcome home.