Despite our best effort as parents, cavities happen in children that may require a filling. Us gals here at Niverville Heritage Dental are mostly moms so we know how you feel – anxious for your child (and yourself) and feeling the need to ensure they are prepared. We’ve gathered a few tips to help you and your child prepare for your appointment to ensure the most positive outcome!
1. Be calm.
We know, easier said than done, but as we all know children are extremely smart and pick up on feelings very easily. If you are nervous, your child will be as well! Stay calm and be positive while speaking about coming to see us at home.
Miss Hadley after she rocked her filling appointment! We even gave her friend that she brought a bib too so they could do it together!
2. Words matter.
You know how we always tell our kids, “Words matter.” Same thing here! We want you to be honest with your kids, we are when we see them, but avoid using words such as “pain” and “needle.” Instead use words such as “uncomfortable” and “small pinch.” This goes without being said, but please don’t tell them, “It’s going to hurt A LOT!” Haha. No but seriously, don’t do that. 😊
3. Make them comfortable.
Let them know it’s 100% okay to feel nervous! Let them wear their favourite outfit, or bring along their cherished blankie or stuffy. We love when kids come in with their favourite stuffed friend, we even put a bib around their stuffed animal/doll to include them!
4. Let us do the hard work.
Kids are so curious and inquisitive. We love questions! When at home ease their feelings by letting them know we will explain EVERYTHING to them before we do it. We prefer you let us do all the explaining!
5. Be patient.
Amanda with Maddex! Note: This picture was taken pre-Covid.
Oh my goodness as moms this is a hard one! Sometimes your child may not have their procedure completed at the first appointment. If we feel the child is very anxious, we may just take the time to explain everything to them and have them come back to try again and that’s okay!
6. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out.
It’s our job to ensure your child has the most positive experience possible. The last thing we want to do is create an experience that will cause the child to fear coming to the dentist that carries with them into adulthood. Sometimes despite our (and your) best efforts a child may not be cooperative. We will never force a child to have their procedure done. The mental aspect of their experience is just as important to us and we may feel your child will be best taken care of at a pediatric dental specialist office. If this is the case a referral will be made.
We absolutely adore seeing kids here at Niverville Heritage Dental Centre and pride ourselves on knowing the latest on Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig, and all that other stuff to win some brownie points! Haha! Know that when you bring your child(ren) here we feel honoured that you are choosing us to trust and we don’t take that lightly. Plus, why is it so much easier to be way more patient when it’s not your own kids, right? 😊 See you soon!
Dr. Sunayna
P.S. Don’t forget to have your kids enter our colouring contest of Dr. Sunayna! Just click here, print out the sheet and have your kids colour it and tag us on Instagram or Facebook! Your child(ren) will be entered to win a $100 gift card to Toys R Us! Yay! Contest closes Sunday, April 18th for ages 8 and under. Good luck!